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A relief column,lead by Col. James Fannin,was bound for the Alamo when it was caught in the open and surrounded. They formed a square and placed a cannon in each corner. They fought all day and into the night. The next morning the Mexicans brought up overwhelming
re -enforcements,forcing the Txians to capitulate. After the Texians surrendered they were marched back to the Presido La Bahia with the assurances they would be treated as prisoners of war. They were marched out and shot and thier bodies burnt.

Above is a picture of Col. Fannin, the map to the right shows the disposition of his troops and the surrounding Mexicans
This is the old mission Fannin's men were marched to.

From this gate Fannins men were marched to their horrible fate...

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This monument marks the center of Col. Fannins position.

In this Chapel Fannin's sick and wounded,those to badly injured to march out with the others, were slaughtered

Some time later, the burned remains were
re-buried on the hill where they were murdered.
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